Wednesday 18 May 2011

Dont you agree???

 Humans are the worst creatures among all other creatures that inhabit the Earth. One would have thought that the way humans evolved, we would have turned out to be superior to other creatures - with our intelligence and creativity and supposed morality and sense of right and wrong. But, we just aren't superior or better than the animals we share this Earth with - we can't even pretend to be superior with a straight face. We'd like to believe we are superior and better than other creatures, but are we really? Can one make that assertion with any conviction?

Just look at what humans do to each other every day, all around the world, in the name of religion, for land and resources, sometimes for no reason at all. They kill (by the thousands) each other. Why?? We don't kill each other for food, we don’t have to (like other animals). We kill for things such as religion (which we ourselves came up with). We kill because we just don't like each other, the way the other human is or looks or thinks. Can you think of any other animal that kills for those reasons?? Can you think of any other creature that commits genocide?? The fact that we are supposedly intelligent and moral does not matter - does it? So, how can humans be better in any way than other animals??

One can say humans have laws and justice and other such creations, but why do we need all of that in the first place? Maybe we need that because we are so wild - wilder than any other animal living on Earth. Being the only animal carrying out genocide, of course, we need courts and laws and rules to maintain order.

What about the contribution of humans to the climate. No one is making the case that we’ve contributed anything positive to Earth's climate. The discussion is all about how much damage we've done thus far and continue to do so. Perhaps, it would end with us humans taking all other animals to the path to doom. We know the damage we've caused to the climate. We, unlike other animals, can comprehend the consequences, yet we choose to obfuscate for short-term comfort/profits. So, of what use is the supposed intelligence – how has it served humans and how does it make humans better than any other creature on this Earth.